Lab.Testing Equipment for Plastic, Rubber and Cable
Universal TensileTesting Machine - Twin Column
Tensile Machine
Tensile Tester
Tensile Tester Machine
Universal TensileTesting Machine - Siingle Column
Hand Operated Tensile Testing Machine
Hydraulic Universal Tensile Testing Machine
Melt Flow Index Tester
Izod Impact Tester
Limiting Oxygen Index Apparatus
Smoke Density Apparatus
Halogengas Test Apparatus
VST / HDT Apparatus
Extensometer for UTM Machine
Melting Point Apparatus
ESCR Test Apparatus
Dart Impact Tester
Muffle Furnace
Vacuum Oven
Constant Temperature Water Bath
Rectangular Hot Plate
Round Hot Plate
Hot Air Oven
Specimen Cutting Punches And Press
Environmental Stress Cracking Tester
Torsion tester for insulators
Bend Rebend Machine
Multi Cell Ageing Oven
Equipments for Cable Testing
Fertilizer Briquetter

  E.S.C.R. Apparatus ( As par ASTM D 1693 )


E.S.C.R. Apparatus

E.S.C.R. Apparatus is used for determination of susceptibility of ethylene plastics to environmental stress cracking when subjected to certain conditions. Bent specimens of the plastics each having a controlled imperfection on the surface are exposed to the action of a surface active agent, oils or detergent. The proportion of the total number of specimens that crack in a given time is observed.

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* Address : Pomal Industrial Area, Dhokali - Kolshet Road, Thane (W) - 400 607, Maharashtra, INDIA.
* Tel. :
022 - 25893581 / 32503771



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